
Dear followers,

A quick update.

Whilst sitting in the waiting room of the local hospital (I think), I have created another blog where you may look at some of my drawings and the like. Visit it here. I am aware that it's a tad bare, but it'll grow.

Also: Can the Shakira fan who has been e-mailing me non-stop since I started talking about the shikara please stop now. I don't know Shakira, I was writing about a S-H-I-K-A-R-A not S-H-A-K-I-R-A. One is a type of Indian boat, one is a type of Colombian singer-songwriter, musician and record producer who has been a major figure in the pop music of Latin America since the mid-1990s. (Thankyou Wikipedia). Please stop e-mailing me.

With befuddlement,
G. Caprice

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